Newest version 2014.7 BMW ICOM ISTA-D 3.44.10 ISTA-P 52.5.000 Software HDD Multi-language With Engineers Programming is BMW develop version software, support full BMW series diagnose and programming.
Software Version:
VIN: 2014.6.14
Not connected 9000 days remaining
2014.7 BMW ICOM Software System Requirements:
Dual-core processor, it is suggested that more than I3; More than 4G of memory
2014.7 BMW ICOM Software Support Model:
It is recommended to use Lenovo ThinkPad: T61, T400, T410, T420, T430,
X61, X200, X201, X220 X230 other models (Intel chipset can compatible,almost all the notebook, such as I3 I5 / I7 series)
Other BMW ICOM Software: